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Club Support Team8 Aug - 16:12
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We need your support in our next fundraising initiative.

Local businesses, Cranleigh Cricket Club have a need for your support!

Since COVID, Cranleigh Cricket Club (CCC) has seen an incredible surge in female cricketers, now boasting 150 female members and growing!

However, the clubhouse, dating back to the 1970s, lacks the modern facilities needed to accommodate both sexes and modern personal cricket equipment.

CCC has already commenced fundraising and received donations from some of the membership, but still need to raise additional funds to complete the necessary upgrades to our changing rooms and subsequently the full clubhouse project.

How can you help?

You can contribute by donating services or products to offer to our supporters.

Here's how:

Offer a service or product from your business that will form a part of a ‘Rewards’ scheme for donors. Depending upon your business these could be 10 corporate gifts, 7 coffees & cake, 5 consultations, 3 coaching sessions, a family photoshoot for every donation at or above a fixed amount.

CCC set the value for the donation and will publish it on their Crowdfunder page!

Everyone in the community, inventory allowing, can donate to receive one of these amazing offerings from local businesses.

So, while your business gains new exposure and a great sense of community spirit, all proceeds go directly to CCC, helping us improve our facilities.

Please enter your details using the link below:
Join in to make a difference and supporting one of the most successful local sports!

Further reading